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Water Conservation Tip of the Month

How a bottle full of sand can help conserve household water?!


When looking how to make our homes more water-efficient a good starting point is to focus on the largest water consumers. According to most, Toilets are the number one, (no pun intended!), water consumer in the typical American household, using 24% of the daily total in fact! Older toilet tanks could hold up to 5 gallons and use 3.5 gallons of water per flush! Modern toilets have smaller tanks that use around 1.6 gallons per flush so they use much less water, but what if you live in an older home and are not quite ready to make the investment of replacing your toilet with a newer one? Well here’s a low cost way to make that big toilet tank a little smaller. No we can’t shrink it, but we can take up some space inside the tank so less water is used to fill it. You may have heard of using a stone, brick or water bag to accomplish this. In our experience, nothing works better than filling a square 1qt plastic water bottle with sand. Why is that? Well, a plastic bottle isn’t as porous which helps prevent algae growth, it’s flexible and forgiving so if it bangs against the tank it’s less likely to cause damage to the porcelain. Sand is heavier than water, making the bottle stay in place unlike the instability of a water-filled bag. See more ways to conserve water and how to create a daily routine of repurposing water using the Shower Water Catcher system by visiting


More Water Saving/Conservation Tips

Toilets are the #1 household water user! Flush with captured shower-water to conserve!

Water Saving Tip

Toilets are the number one, (no pun intended!), water consumer in the typical American household. A best practice we’ve found to reduce this water usage is to skip three toilet flushes when possible, (liquid waste only), then flush the toilet by directly pouring a bucket of water captured by utilizing the Shower Water Catcher system directly into the toilet bowl.

Water indoor plants using captured shower-water to conserve!

Water Conserving Tip

At the beginning of turning a shower on, most of us wait for warm water before jumping in. By utilizing the innovative Shower Water Catcher system, we can catch and capture that cold startup shower-water before it hits the shower floor and re-purpose it for many uses like watering indoor plants and much more.

Pre-fill clothes washing machines using captured shower-water to conserve!

Water Conserving Tip

Clothes washing machines are a large consumer of household water. The amount of gallons used per load varies widely due to the size of load settings, efficiencies of the unit and other varying factors.  Newer units are designed to do a better job of conserving water however many debates have taken place on their effectiveness of cleaning. One thing is for sure, we can save water with any kind of clothes washing machine by prefilling it with a bucket of water collected by utilizing the Shower Water Catcher system.

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