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My name is Giovanni Mesiemore and I would like to share with you how Smarter With Water, LLC was born. While in high school, I developed a passion for earth/environmental science and geology, then continued these studies in college. From our lessons, I learned the tremendous amount of effort and resources that go into delivering potable tap water into our homes. Prior to these studies, I must say I did not think about where our household water comes from or the need to conserve. Then, I started catching myself using too much water or even allowing it to run unused down the drain wastefully from time to time! Even if there is not a drought, our current infrastructure is strained to handle our increasing demand for water due to our growing communities. This newfound knowledge made me more respectful of this precious resource and compelled me to make a difference and give the same attention to conserving water as we do with electricity. Therefore, in 2019 I launched Smarter With Water, LLC


Our mission is to help as many households as we possibly can become Smarter With Water through awareness and action

Awareness of what it takes to deliver household tap water and why everyone should strive to create water conscious homes.

Action by providing water-saving tips and creating practical products for purchase that will assist with conserving household tap water.


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